Main publication
Use ( Citation: Svensson Fors, Magnusson & al., 2009 Svensson Fors, D., Magnusson, B., Gestegård Robertz, S., Hedin, G. & Nilsson-Nyman, E. (2009). Ad-hoc composition of pervasive services in the PalCom architecture. Association for Computing Machinery. ) to reference the Palcom system.
Papers related to Palcom
- Åkesson, Hedin, Fors, Schöne & Mey (2020)
- Åkesson, A., Hedin, G., Fors, N., Schöne, R. & Mey, J. (2020). Runtime modeling and analysis of IoT systems. Association for Computing Machinery. Retrieved from
- Nordahl, Magnusson, Hedin & Åkesson (2020)
- Nordahl, M., Magnusson, B., Hedin, G. & Åkesson, A. (2020). Smart bikes: Gradual update of IoT systems.
- Johnsson & Magnusson (2020)
- Johnsson, B. & Magnusson, B. (2020). Towards end-user development of graphical user interfaces for internet of things. Future Generation Computer Systems, 107(C). 670–680.
- Johnsson & Magnusson (2019)
- Johnsson, B. & Magnusson, B. (2019). Live GUI development for service-based systems. Association for Computing Machinery.
- Magnusson, Johnsson & Hedin (2019)
- Magnusson, B., Johnsson, B. & Hedin, G. (2019). Factoring out glue-code in systems of IoT devices: the PalCom architecture model. Association for Computing Machinery.
- Åkesson, Hedin, Nordahl & Magnusson (2019)
- Åkesson, A., Hedin, G., Nordahl, M. & Magnusson, B. (2019). ComPOS: Composing Oblivious Services.
- Åkesson, Nordahl, Hedin & Magnusson (2018)
- Åkesson, A., Nordahl, M., Hedin, G. & Magnusson, B. (2018). A DSL for composing IoT systems. Association for Computing Machinery.
- Magnusson, Hedin & Runeson (2018)
- Magnusson, B., Hedin, G. & Runeson, P. (2018). PalCom MIST: A Metaprotocol for Internet Systems of Things.
- Åkesson, Nordahl, Hedin & Magnusson (2018)
- Åkesson, A., Nordahl, M., Hedin, G. & Magnusson, B. (2018). Live programming of internet of things in PalCom. Association for Computing Machinery.
- Åkesson (2018)
- Åkesson, A. (2018). DSL for end-user service composition. Association for Computing Machinery.
- Åkesson & Hedin (2017)
- Åkesson, A. & Hedin, G. (2017). Jatte: a tunable tree editor for integrated DSLs. Association for Computing Machinery.
- Johnsson, Nordahl & Magnusson (2017)
- Johnsson, B., Nordahl, M. & Magnusson, B. (2017). Evaluating a Dynamic Keep-Alive Messaging Strategy for Mobile Pervasive Systems. Procedia Computer Science, 109. 319–326.
- Nordahl & Magnusson (2016)
- Nordahl, M. & Magnusson, B. (2016). A lightweight data interchange format for internet of things with applications in the PalCom middleware framework. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 7(4). 523–532.
- Johnsson & Weibull (2016)
- Johnsson, B. & Weibull, G. (2016). End-User Composition of Graphical User Interfaces for PalCom Systems. Procedia Computer Science, 94. 224–231.
- Ergawy & Magnusson (2016)
- Ergawy, A. & Magnusson, B. (2016). Synchronizing Device Discovery on Loss of Update Messages in the Pervasive Middleware Palcom. Procedia Computer Science, 94. 347–352.
- Johnsson & Magnusson (2016)
- Johnsson, B. & Magnusson, B. (2016). Supporting collaborative healthcare using PalCom — The itACiH system.
- Johnsson, Höst & Magnusson (2016)
- Johnsson, B., Höst, M. & Magnusson, B. (2016). Evaluating a GUI Development Tool for Internet of Things and Android. Springer International Publishing.
- Ergawy & Magnusson (2015)
- Ergawy, A. & Magnusson, B. (2015). Supporting Distance Vector Routing Over Device Discovery Flows in the Pervasive Middleware PalCom. Procedia Computer Science, 52. 153–160.
- Lindholm, Notander & Höst (2014)
- Lindholm, C., Notander, J. & Höst, M. (2014). A case study on software risk analysis and planning in medical device development. Software Quality Journal, 22(3). 469–497.
- Ergawy & Magnusson (2014)
- Ergawy, A. & Magnusson, B. (2014). Media Abstraction Framework for the Pervasive Middleware PalCom. IEEE Computer Society.
- Sandholm, Magnusson & Johnsson (2014)
- Sandholm, T., Magnusson, B. & Johnsson, B. (2014). An On-Demand WebRTC and IoT Device Tunneling Service for Hospitals.
- Ergawy & Magnusson (2014)
- Ergawy, A. & Magnusson, B. (2014). Device Discovery for the PalCom Pervasive Middleware with Eliminated Cross-networks Periodic Heart-beat Messages. Procedia Computer Science, 37. 64–71.
- Magnusson & Johnsson (2013)
- Magnusson, B. & Johnsson, B. (2013). Some like it hot: automating an electric kettle using PalCom. Association for Computing Machinery.
- Notander, Runeson & Höst (2013)
- Notander, J., Runeson, P. & Höst, M. (2013). A model-based framework for flexible safety-critical software development: a design study. Association for Computing Machinery.
- Åkesson, Hedin, Robertz & Magnusson (2012)
- Åkesson, L., Hedin, G., Robertz, S. & Magnusson, B. (2012). Instance-aware assemblies of services in pervasive computing. Association for Computing Machinery.
- Svensson Fors, Magnusson, Gestegård Robertz, Hedin & Nilsson-Nyman (2009)
- Svensson Fors, D., Magnusson, B., Gestegård Robertz, S., Hedin, G. & Nilsson-Nyman, E. (2009). Ad-hoc composition of pervasive services in the PalCom architecture. Association for Computing Machinery.
- Svensson, Hedin & Magnusson (2007)
- Svensson, D., Hedin, G. & Magnusson, B. (2007). Pervasive applications through scripted assemblies of services.
Phd-thesis related to Palcom
- Åkesson (2021)
- Åkesson, A. (2021). ComPOS - a Domain-Specific Language for Composing Internet-of-Things Systems (Doctoral Thesis (compilation)). Computer Science, Lund University
- Johnsson (2017)
- Johnsson, B. (2017). Inverted GUI Development for IoT with Applications in E-Health (Doctoral Thesis (monograph)). Department of Computer Science, Lund University
- Svensson Fors (2009)
- Svensson Fors, D. (2009). Assemblies of Pervasive Services (thesis/docmono). Department of Computer Science, Lund University Retrieved from